� Automatically organize all of your photos and videos according to your events, date, time, and location.
? GALLERY: - Ultra fast photos & videos viewer.
� Share with easy to all of your favorite social networks Like: WhatsApp, Facebook, G+, Line, Kakao, WeChat, and more
� For the classic photo gallery feel, the Gallery view has all of your photos and videos in one slick gallery view.
� Easily share groups of photos and videos from your gallery, with just a tap!
� Smart Galary APp Provide Security For Set Password in Setting Oprtion.
� In Tha SMart Gallary App Click Satting in Change Basic Theme,Primary Color and Accent Color.
--- FEATURES ---
? GALLERY: - Ultra fast photos & videos viewer
- Security Provide.
- Many Futures of Change Basic Theme,Primary Color and Accent Color.
- Gif animation support
- Hide unwanted folders
- Show/hide status bar
- Hidding albums
- Play video and GIF, camera
mengatur secara otomatis semua foto dan video sesuai dengan Anda acara, tanggal, waktu, dan lokasi.
? GALERI: - Ultra cepat foto & video viewer.
Berbagi dengan mudah ke semua favorit Anda jaringan sosial Seperti: WhatsApp, Facebook, G +, Line, Kakao, WeChat, dan lebih
Untuk klasik nuansa galeri foto, tampilan Galeri memiliki semua foto dan video dalam satu tampilan galeri licin.
Mudah berbagi kelompok foto dan video dari galeri Anda, hanya dengan keran!
Pintar galary App Memberikan Keamanan Untuk Set Password di Pengaturan Oprtion.
Di Tha SMart Gallary App Klik Satting di Tema Perubahan Basic, Warna Primer dan Accent Color.
--- FITUR ---
? GALERI: - Ultra cepat foto & video viewer
- Keamanan Menyediakan.
- Banyak Futures Theme Perubahan Basic, Warna Primer dan Accent Color.
- Dukungan animasi Gif
- Sembunyikan folder yang tidak diinginkan
- Tampilkan / sembunyikan Status bar
- Album Hidding
- Putar video dan GIF, kamera